Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Come fly with me... Uh, possibly Not

So, which I must fly this week for the day to the west early. I came to the airport early, therefore I could have time to take some photos and to receive a nice slat. I must remind of it that there are calm people out there, who to fly not much or who not flowin since 9/11 to have. I received this man and its wife in my security line. They did not understand, why they had to remove their shoes, they did not understand, why they had to remove their belts and heavy clocks, and they did not understand, why they had to remove their laptop from its bag. Come to think of it I not quite understand, did not terminate that he also - and I write you over industry.Anywhoo, our line because of all of their questions was held -- and her still up receiving aside pulled for secondary sieving. The flight west was full uneventful, but - to receive except the fact that my seatmate and I handhad, the only row with an empty middle seat. Sweetly! The flight had LiveTV, but I had magazines and Podcasts, to itself with.The the fun to get caught above began really on the flight home. I always seem to be on flights if obenliegende sorting drawers fill and someone above pissed. In this case an older woman with A turned on carry up and had a seat forward. Until it interconnects, the sorting drawers were full. She asked a flight companion, where she could set their bag and was explained, it it.Well to examine would have, the woman had a seat, because she thought that it was their constitutional right to insert their bag into a obenliegendes sorting drawer. First it tried to take things from the sorting drawer over it out in order to set their bag inside. That did not sit too well with the chap, who possessed the bag, that, it tried to remove. It kept real into an argument with it, until the flight companion explained it that she could not shift someone else bag.Then, it tried to push it under the seat. It fit, but then it weighted that it was too uncomfortable. Now during this whole drama, blocked it the course, while people still tried to flat. You had to explain flight companions to the line the fact that either too with its bag at their feet sit you, which bags examine you or another flight with more sorting drawer area -- waits you and their 10 seconds gave, in order to form their understanding. I thought that the woman was in, for having a melting. She decided to suffer -- loud -- over her "terrible" treatment to the chap to weight but the bag has, which, she asked for movement her, a sock into her to begin tried - literally. There was applause in the first 10 rows, and them were finally embarassed enough, in order to be calm for the remainder of the flight. Never a blunt moment, huh?And now for somewhat occasional thoughts. I think really for cancelling it to bites, which decided before locking taking up of the season HBO, "within the NFL" -- that was switched on for 31 years -- the day Bob Costas, Cris Carter, Chris Collinsworth and Dan Marino had a chemistry, which could not be impact. And I dear straight their long packages of the football high points. It was, since Costas set it, "boneheaded movement" by HBO.My blog comrade Robin and I is strong large fans of the original film "of the cube". I have it million-mark and every time he is switched on, me watch out him seen, how I never saw him before. This evening it was on AMC, but with a torsion -- there were Untertitelen under gave all kinds information and trivia over forming the film and its stars. Did you know that that hard Bochner, which played Harry Ellis - the coworker John McClains Mrs. Stechpalme -- who second largest film letter was called douchebag all time? Or this Bruce Willis and Demi of moorlands eloped too read Vegas during the lubricating film formation and let small Richard nuptuals preside? They would have, if you saw this version "of the cube to Hard."I'm, which is sad for the late weight update. I was from city on normal Thursday weighing out in the day. And Friday was I at home with my daughter, who got caught any stomach bug of the Petri plate, which is their Tagesobacht. Thus I arrived not at mine weigh in to this morning. I lost 1 zerstosse this week, for a sum total of 10 since beginning the weight observers. I am zerstosse with 237.8. So there you have it. Have a large week!
Source: http://benet_world.blogspot.com/2008/02/come-fly-with-meuh-maybe-not.html

Another site to review: downloadable mp3 (http://mp3delicious.com/)

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